Friday, December 07, 2007

The search for the Christmas present we already had at one point!!!

Im sure many of you are doing the same thing im doing, looking for those gifts on your kids christmas lists. Well, I actually had already bought this particular gift for Justins b-day in September and he was so excited that he wanted to take it with us to Arizona and Utah to play with his friends and cousins.I had no problem with that so in the car it went. HE had fun playing it in Arizona and then we loaded it up to go to Utah after that. Well we got to Utah late Tuesday night and we decided to bring in just the suitcases and decided we would get the rest of the stuff the next day. (big mistake) Well Justin and all of his cousins were so excited the next day to be able to play the NEW Nintendo Wii(what he had just got for his b-day). My mother in law, Sister in law and I had all gone shopping so I told Justin he could get the Wii out to play with his cousins. A few minutes later a get a call and its Justin saying that the Wii isn't in the car. So I tell him someone must have brought it in to the house last night so to look in the house for it. So a little while later a get anoher call and they have looked everywhere and they still can't find it. Im still thinking that it must be somewhere in the house so I tell him to just keep looking and we will be home in alittle bit. I didn't get another call so I thought they had found it. When we got home Justin tells me that they still couldn't find it. So im thinking they just haven't looked very well so I go out to thet car and think maybe it got movedto the front of the car and just didn't see it. I then realize that there were some other things missing that I had not seen come into the house. Long story short we soon realize that are car had been broken into and that we are not only missing the Wii, games and all the accesories that aren't cheap, but also 2 Skyrunners(Jumping stilts that Jared had got in china),my brand new 30D canon camera and video camera that I had thought i had brought in the night before, and Justins back pack full of all his text booksfor school. So now the only thing Justin wants for christmas is the Wii of course which is so frustrating because it isn't cheap and we already had bought that and 3rd I guess its on everyones christmas list because you can't find it anywhere.
So really im just venting,because I don't want to buy another one but it is the only thing he wants for christmas, and I cant find it anywhere . So if you happen to see it just let me know so I can put out money AGAIN for the not so cheap Wii!!!!


Julie said...

Misty, that is a very sad story! I feel for you having searched for a wii myself. I was wondering how you get the cool background on your blog??

Kenz said...

Keep an eye on Craigslist. I have noticed quite a few Wiis being sold for pretty reasonable prices. Unfortunately, its probably people that stole them and are now selling them for profit. Gag me. So sorry to hear your saga. Frustrating!! By the way, I am hoping you'll post some pics from Jordie's wedding since we weren't able to make it.

Robyn Lamoreaux said...

Oh Misty....that is a terrible story, and only those kind of things happen to you guys!!! You have the craziest things happen to you guys. Good luck to you finding one.....My bro-in-law is looking all over for one for my sister. What do the girls want for Christmas?

Jeff said...


Hi, it's Jeff from ToyBugle. You commented declaring your victory, but I need your address (congrats by the way)! Send me an email at we can work out the details.

Congratulations again on the win! You may have had the worst experience ever with the Wii (pure misery... sorry), but you're a winner to us!


Amber said...

I seriously hate the person that stole your stuff, that is the worst. I feel bad for Justin, but I feel really sad about your camera...that is a great camera and I would cry my little eyes out if mine was thefted.
Good Luck!

Bale Family said...

I am so glad your a blogger! I just started a blog in Oct. Ours is
Also, if you haven't already found the wii. I hope you found a wii for Christmas! Cute Christmas card!

Bale Family said...

In case your wondering, when I wrote also if you haven't already found the wii, I forgot to delete that! Tony thought you could get them at Best Buy in the morning here anyway but then I realized there are only 2 days left till Chirstmas.

Julie said...

ok Misty, I have to have an update....did you ever find the wii? We were searching for guitar hero for our wii and stumbled on to a brand new shipment at Target and felt extremely lucky. I hope you had good luck too!

Kristen said...

Misty! Hey, I found your blog via Jamie. Email me and I'll send you a link to mine (I just started mine) if you want! Fun way to catch up with old friends! Hope all is well for you guys! (my email is

Kendra said...

Like the new backdrop, now how about some bloggen!!!

Christensen Family said...

Misty and Jared! I came upon your blog thru Mackenzies blog. I CAN'T BELIEVE HOW OLD YOUR KIDS ARE! Has it been that long since I've seen you guys? What a gorgeous family! Little Maggie looks so much like Chels. I'm so glad I can keep up with what you all are up to!